News : China`s distortion for Korean history
Goguryeo conference to convene at Harvard (2005-3-30)
Chinese Ambassador Criticizes Japan (2005-3-20)
Ministry to Take Actions Against History Distortion by Japan, China (2005-3-6)
[Editorial] History Distortion (2005-3-6)
Will history do justice to Zhao and June 4? (2005-1-27)
Korea`s overseas investment jumped in 2004 (2005-1-27)
China`s Goguryeo stamps draw fire (2004-12-4)
[Editorial] Toward an East Asian Community (2004-12-2)
[Cultural Kaleidoscope] A Korean in Beijing (2004-12-1)
S. Korea leads Asia in UNESCO survey (2004-11-10)
S Korea titled 8th in high-tech rankings (2004-11-8)
China`s Goguryeo motives probed (2004-10-27)
[Editorial] Hu as military chief (2004-9-21)
S. Korea to File Complaint with China over History Dispute (2004-9-17)
'Koguryo Was Sovereign State': North Korean Media (2004-9-14)
`Beijing Asked for Deal on Gando' (2004-9-12)
Territorial disputes between Seoul, Tokyo, Beijing growing (2004-9-10)
Nationalism fuels Asian history row (2004-9-8)
Koguryo Is Korean History, Says Chinese Textbook Editor (2004-9-7)
[A Reader`s View] Ancient Goguryeo Kingdom (2004-9-7)
Major U.S. Newspapers Laud Korean Film 'Taegukgi' (2004-9-4)
China Concerned at Rift with S. Korea Over Ancient Kingdom, Seoul Official Says (2004-9-3)
[Editorial] Air route to Taipe (2004-9-3)
[Commentary] Koguryo or Goguryeo ? (2004-9-1)
China's Nationalism Warps Koguryo History (2004-8-30)
President Roh Regrets China's Claim to Old Kingdom, Urges Measures (2004-8-27)
[Editorial] Uneasy truce on history (2004-8-26)
China's No. 4 Man to Visit Seoul Thursday (2004-8-25)
Skepticism lingers over history issue (2004-8-25)
Beijing Backs Off in Koguryo Dispute (2004-8-24)
Strain in Seoul-Beijing Ties (2004-8-24)
Korea-China ties : 12 years mark gains but challenges loom (2004-8-24)
Korea Invests More in China Than Japan, US (2004-8-24)
Hidden motives behind China`s `Northeast Project` (2004-8-24)
[Editorial] China`s misguided nationalism (2004-8-13)
Seoul orders check for history distortions (2004-8-12)
Government, party to form panel on Goguryeo (2004-8-10)
Korea fights to keep Goguryeo from China (2004-8-9)
[Editorials] History war with China (2004-8-9)
China ministry takes unclear step as Korea steps up history protest (2004-8-6)
[Editorial] Contest over kingdom (2004-7-5)
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